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We've just returned from an outstanding "Macho Weekend" in Lima, Peru. Thousands of men came from across the city. 100 men received Christ. Leaders from Argentina and Mexico met with CMN ambassador Christian Scheelje and strategized reaching hundreds more churches across their nations.  When men find Jesus, families are rescued and children have a new dad. CMN Latin America is strong and seeing tremendous results. Camino de Vida church led by Dr. Robert Barriger is one of the most influential churches in South America with 28 weekend services and an average of 150 people receiving Christ each week. As CMN...

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Turbulent times require tenacious faith. Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT) There are two ways our faith is made stronger. Paul said to the people in Rome, “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” (Romans 12:12 NLT)  Prayer produces intimacy and intimacy with God produces tenacious faith. Strength. Confidence. Deeper love. Hope. Hope is the complete confidence that God will keep His word. Intimacy with God increases...

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The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men are hosting a Daniel Summit in Phoenix. We are meeting for an essential roundtable and dialogue on biblical masculinity. This important gathering of commissioned men will happen June 7 and 8 in Phoenix. This is a God-moment in a critical season. This Daniel Summit is by invitation for the Brotherhood of Commissioned Men of CMN. We need you there. At a crucial moment in the spiritual alignment of nations, in a season in which manhood is mis-defined - men of God must stand for truth. The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men are the men who do the work,...

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Bestselling author Stephen Mansfield captivates once again with his stunning teaching, “Building Your Band of Brothers.” Men in previous generations grew up knowing their fathers, uncles, grandfathers, cousins and brothers. Stephen Mansfield says today, 71 percent of men cannot name a best friend. The average man can’t name another man to call if he has a serious problem. The average man can’t name a man who inspires him. So what do men do? They are dying from suicide and hopelessness because they don’t have meaningful relationships with men who care about them. They don’t understand true manhood, don’t know who they’re meant to...

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This month, in a fast-paced and powerful video, Pastor Kevin Goff teaches from personal experience how he learned all over again how to apply the Word of God to his life. Watch Kevin’s brilliant message, “We Need Each Other,” in the AchieveLab channel called “Shame/Guilt/Fear: Getting Unstuck.” What “unstuck” this popular Phoenix pastor from depression and impending divorce started with applying Romans 12:2, “Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” He learned to “take every thought captive to the knowledge of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:5). Next, Kevin and his wife M’Lisa Goff sought accountability according to...

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