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Thunder in the Desert
The first Easter wasn’t filled with peace and joy and stained glass and beautiful music. It was full of violence and fear and confusion and shouting and blood.When the Jews came to John the Baptist at the height of his ministry to ask if he was the Messiah, he yelled at them, “I am thunder in the desert! Proclaiming the coming of the Messiah, making straight the way of the Lord!”His message was “thunder” — loud and confrontational and divisive and rebellious. It wasn’t the popular opinion, but it was truth. Truth isn’t always popular and what is popular isn’t...
Take Courage, Take Heart
Jesus met Peter in the middle of the night, in the middle of a storm. That's what Jesus does—he meets us right where we are—in the middle of our darkest night or our worst storm, he is there with us. In this insightful message from Pastor Brandon Cole, we can see how to respond in the middle of the storm. "Take courage, I am here," Jesus said as he walked toward Peter's boat. Pastor Brandon points out that whenever God says "take courage" or "take heart," He follows with, "I will be with you." Everything about courage is predicated on the idea...
Finish the Race Well
CMN board member, Dr. Doug Stringer, has changed neighborhoods and communities through the power of the Gospel, by prayer initiatives, compassion evangelism, leadership, and disaster response. Today, he will both challenge and encourage you to finish your race! Dr. Stringer says we're in a new day, when men need to rise up. From Psalm 110:2-3, he quotes, "From the womb to the youth, an army of volunteers will sign up for the day of His power.” The Church is intended to heart the soul of the nation, and minister to the nations of the world, Doug explains. To do so, we need...
I just got back from Peru. It was intense!
We've just returned from an outstanding "Macho Weekend" in Lima, Peru. Thousands of men came from across the city. 100 men received Christ. Leaders from Argentina and Mexico met with CMN ambassador Christian Scheelje and strategized reaching hundreds more churches across their nations. When men find Jesus, families are rescued and children have a new dad. CMN Latin America is strong and seeing tremendous results. Camino de Vida church led by Dr. Robert Barriger is one of the most influential churches in South America with 28 weekend services and an average of 150 people receiving Christ each week. As CMN...
Two ways to build tenacious faith
Turbulent times require tenacious faith. Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NLT) There are two ways our faith is made stronger. Paul said to the people in Rome, “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” (Romans 12:12 NLT) Prayer produces intimacy and intimacy with God produces tenacious faith. Strength. Confidence. Deeper love. Hope. Hope is the complete confidence that God will keep His word. Intimacy with God increases...