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Every enduring culture is built on the character of its heroes and the courage of its warriors. In a world that seems more concerned with the calorie content of children’s lunches than the character content of children’s hearts, we as Christian men and fathers must focus on the development of character. For it is the demise of character that results in the destruction of great cultures.Today I'm privileged to invite you to attend CMN's Global Summit, Lions Roar 2018 to hear one of the great cultural heroes of our day, Bishop TD Jakes. Men who heard Bishop Jakes minister at Lions Roar 1999...

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In the documentary, The Bridge, a man is seen jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. He lived. Most don’t. Later he said, “The moment my feet left the railing of the bridge I said to myself, this is the worst decision I’ve ever made.”Recently Andrew Stoecklein, a young pastor in Chino, California, took the path of death by his own hand. He was only 30 years old. His lovely wife Kayla and three little boys are devastated. He pastored a successful church, was regarded by his peers and seemed to have everything, but he also fought depression.Followers of Christ who leave this...

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I am personally inviting you to join hundreds of global influencers, thought leaders, creators, and provocateurs in Dallas, Texas this November 8-10. Against the tide of unholy arrogance, abuse, fatherlessness, and the persecution of righteousness, strong men are converging from the US, Brazil, Bulgaria, Ulaanbataar and beyond. It’s a historic gathering. One pastor from Los Angeles wrote me after attending last year’s summit: “I’ve never been as challenged, as affirmed, or as motivated as I was at Lions Roar. This shocked me. I thought it was just a conference. It’s actually a gathering of warriors. I was caught up in the middle of...

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We live in a world of conflict, chaos and disruption. The world is looking for peace, striving for peace, having meetings about peace, doing everything they can to find peace. The problem is that they’ve defined the problem, but mis-defined the solution. The solution is Jesus Christ. The world defines peace as the absence of conflict or the absence of war, but God defines peace as his presence even in the middle of the war or in the middle of the conflict. Another definition that we mis-define is what a warrior is. A warrior is not a man of war....

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Jesus gave you and me a mission and that mission is to disciple men in every nation. But that's bigger than one man or one group. It's going to take a brotherhood. You are part of that brotherhood. A passionate team of allies. Brotherhood is the theme as we gather for Lions Roar 2018 on November 8-10 in Dallas, Texas. Come join us. Be part of something larger than yourself. The world’s definition of manhood has been confused, mis-defined and chaotic. We're coming together to bring clarity, and it's the clarity of Christ. We’re gathering as men who passionately care...

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