About us

For over 40 years the Christian Men’s Network has been a highly effective global movement of pastors and leaders dedicated to training men toward their roles as servant-leaders in their families, church, and culture.
The foundational truth of this international movement is that “Manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous.”
Today, CMN has become a human justice mission with a goal to end child abuse and trafficking by changing the hearts of men worldwide. CMN’s “Global Fatherhood Initiative” is reaching into new nations every year operating on the belief that “every child deserves a loving dad.”
Based on the direction of the Apostle Paul when he taught his young charge in 2 Timothy 2:2 to “Commit these truths to faithful men, who will teach others also.” The CMN ministry has trained over a million leaders in 138 nations, and the multiplication of that thrust continues strong today.
Founded by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole® and his family, CMN has made his classic Maximized Manhood the most widely read book for men in the world. This movement continues today under the leadership of Paul Cole, Bishop Dale C. Bronner in Atlanta, Dr. Robert Barriger in Peru, Eddy Leo in Indonesia, J. Doug Stringer in Houston, and other key men around the world…working together in Mongolia, Germany, Uganda, China, Bulgaria, Botswana, Indonesia, Belize, Namibia, Russia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and a hundred other nations.
In 1997, the MAJORING IN MEN® curriculum was launched. Today it is the most successful men’s mentoring material in the world, endorsed by leaders globally and used by over 8,000,000 men.
The goal is to Build Men, Build Churches, Transform Culture. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, God does it…one man at a time.
Join the men of CMN!