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Thousands of Christians in Nigeria are being killed, raped, maimed, for their faith. Because of the increase of intense attacks, Nigeria has moved up the list to the Number One most difficult nation in which to love and serve our Lord. “The situation is beyond us, but we know our God can turn things around,” a man named Ibrahim wrote. “Keep praying for us. Let’s do our best for God's work.”  Nigerian brothers asked us to come help launch a men's movement - to win men to Christ and disciple strong men of God all across their beloved nation. We're...

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I’ve prayed for every President of my country for over 50 years. Whether I agreed with them, voted for them or not. Paul taught his young protégé Timothy to pray for the leadership of where he lived. This could not have been an easy thing to hear, since it was during Roman occupation and tremendous persecution. Regardless Paul said this; “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and...

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The original St. Valentinus was martyred for his faith in Christ somewhere around 275AD. A British novelist a thousand years later said it was around the same time of year as the birds began mating and making nests in the Spring. Then the power of marketing and branding took over and chocolate makers and florists made it into Valentine’s Day. Brother – if you’re married or dating a woman – do something. In fact, almost anything is better than nothing. Except for that annoying little bear with a heart balloon, they sell for $7 at the counter of your local...

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Ibraham is a Christian young man in Nigeria. His father was brutally murdered by Jihadist’s that stormed his small village. When terrorists quit kicking him, his eyes stared at his father’s severed head lying in the dust next to him. His brother was also beaten and a bomb placed on their home. When the terrorists left, neighbors got him, his sisters, and mom out just in time. A Christian is killed every two hours in Nigeria, now the most dangerous place in the world for our brothers in Christ. Why the attack? Because terrorists asked Ibrahim's father to deny Jesus,...

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The James Webb Space Telescope can now see stars and galaxies that launched light toward us 13 billion years ago. Constructed on a satellite 930,000 miles above the earth this telescope is looking at the universe and trying the see the edges. It never will. What they have found is what astrophysicists are now calling “dark energy.” It simply means that the universe is expanding at a rate faster than the speed of light. When God speaks it is exponential. What this means to you and me is revelatory. Paul wrote this in Ephesians, it’s one of my life scriptures....

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