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What in the dash?
I was fishing with my grandsons yesterday on their holiday, watching them as they intently waited for a hit from what they hoped was the biggest fish they'd ever caught. Cold and windy, not ideal, but we did manage a couple fat rainbow trout. As I watched them, I wondered what they would remember. They're 8 and 11 years old. What are the memories they'll have of their Papa? It's been said about tombstones, that chiseled between the dates of birth and death is just a dash. A full life is in that dash. How do I want my grandsons...
The Day Death Lost Its Power
Easter, coming next month, is an important victory affecting us every single day, if we’ll let it. Luke records in his gospel how two women, Mary Magdalene and Mary, went to the tomb of the crucified Jesus in the early morning of the third day after his death but found an empty tomb: “As they stood there puzzled, two men suddenly appeared to them, clothed in dazzling robes. The women were terrified and bowed with their faces to the ground. Then the men asked, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He...
The Cross Was Just the Beginning
We're now in the season of Lent. It's the forty-day historical church season that culminates in the joy of Easter. It represents the forty days of fasting and testing that Jesus endured in the wilderness. It's a season to remind ourselves of His great love for us and to reconsecrate our hearts. To strengthen the power of this season, consider these three love-gifts that Jesus gave us at the cross. Forgiveness: We have been set free – the death sentence over our heads has been lifted, we can breathe deep the fresh air of new life in Christ! Forgiveness is...
What Every Man Needs (But Few Men Ask For)
The solution to addiction is connection. When men are connected to friends and brothers, the healing of hearts, hurt,s and life’s bruises is exponential. Health is the byproduct of a healthy environment. Connection is brotherhood. It’s a core value of CMN and should be a core value of your life - because there’s a brother that needs you. You have value in another man’s life. A ministry to men can be the results of purpose, communication, strategy, and effort. But, fundamentally, it’s about friendship. Brotherhood. Abraham, the father of faith had a secret weapon, the same secret weapon God has...
Generosity: Your Secret Weapon Against Fear
Love produces faith, faith gives us the power of grace, grace produces a generous heart. A generous heart is filled with faith, love, and hope. A generous heart is free from fear and lives at peace. Your life will not be shaken by attacks of the enemy when you’re moving in the spirit of generosity. Take inventory: You’ve built a strong foundation on His Word. That means you win because Christ has already obtained the victory. You won’t be shaken. You won’t stop your forward movement. You will become what your heart has embraced—His life living in you! God told...