The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men

Commissioned men, who have completed nine books of the Majoring in Men® curriculum, are eligible to enter a new dimension. Click here and provide your commissioning details and we'll connect you into the Brotherhood.

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The Power of Starting

The opposite of fear is...start.

Of all the advice I've heard, one of the greatest pieces is this: the best way to start is to START. It sounds simple, but it's a timeless biblical truth. Simple obedience solves complex issues.

God loves men who start and champion small beginnings.

This doesn't mean you should start a business without a plan. If you want to launch something new, begin with planning and research.

Years ago, a friend motivated young men to follow their dreams. He'd ask, “What would you do if money were not an issue? What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?” This simple exercise helps reframe goals and dreams.

When you start, things might look small, but the most challenging discipline for a leader is to be faithful in...

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