Majoring in Men
The Most Widely Used Men's Resources in the World
Majoring in Men Foundations is a twelve-week online training that is the most widely-used, time-tested men's discipleship model in the world. Proven to increase momentum, finances, volunteers, outreach, and church health.
What it Is
Be part of a worldwide network of men who believe that manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous.
Grow Your Church

A Complete Plan
The proven path to effective ministry to men, curated from 40-plus years of discipling men the world over. Designed to help leaders launch a men's movement in the local church.
Here's How
Gain Influence, Build Respect
Train your whole team together. Develop measurable, sustainable, reproducible ministry to men to recapture time, reach the community, and attract new families . Strong Men - Strong Families - Strong Churches
You can have the honor of becoming a Commissioned Man. Christian Men’s Network carries a mandate to reach men around the world by entrusting the message of Christlike manhood to faithful men who become commissioned as “ministers to men.”
No Man Fights Alone! A “commission” is an authorization and command to act in a prescribed manner. It is a charge giving authority to act for, or in behalf of or in the place of another. The Commissioned Man receives a sword, the symbol of a trained warrior. The sword is a weapon of battle and the act of awarding the sword to The Commissioned Man is recognition that he is armed for battle and has agreed to fight for other men.
The Commissioned Man receives a sword meets Majoring in Men® curriculum requirements, adheres to the qualifications of leadership, and accepts the responsibility to minister to other men. The Commissioned Man's Statement of Purpose: I am commissioned with a ministry majoring in men, to witness to the men of this generation and bring them to identification with Christ, impressing them with the reality that “Manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous.”

They can stand in your way, or they can stand behind you! Would you benefit from a team of men standing with you to help you increase attendance, increase revenue, increase workers, increase salvations and decrease problems in your church or community? For almost 40 years, CMN has successfully discipled men worldwide. The average rate of increase is 20 percent. All the wisdom and instruction you need to follow the process to success is contained in the MoMENtum Guide, part of a CMN Launch Kit that has proven results.