Tonight is week four of our CMN Monday Night Men global men’s intensive, live streaming on YouTube and Facebook. You absolutely don’t want to miss tonight!
The Bible teaches evil companions corrupt good character. That’s why, when you see a man’s companions, you see his character.
Brotherhood is a powerful force in a man’s life—and it can be a force in your life for good. Brotherhood can cause a man to rise and accomplish amazing things he never thought possible.
This is exactly why you need to be a part of the CMN Monday Night Men intensive. It’s where men are gathering to be discipled and strengthened to withstand the world’s current storm.
We’ll be reading the account of Daniel and his three closest friends who were taken captive together. In adverse circumstances, they supported each other in their decision to serve the Lord.
Each of them had an uncommon faith, held an uncommon standard and underwent an uncommon test. And their bond of brotherhood empowered them to stand strong.
Have we ever had more uncertainty in our lifetime about so many different things? I can’t remember one. Many men are going through a dark time right now.
It’s in times like this we need the support of our brothers.
MNM Reminder - 4.20.20