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We are just a few days away from CMN Global Summit 2020 - it’s time to take action.REGISTER HEREToday’s world doesn’t need a few nice guys in church. The world needs STALWART MEN. Men with a sword. Men who are STRONG!The Apostle Paul described the clothing of a man who is a warrior, resilient, faithful, bold and ready for battle—a stalwart man. He said: We are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Take the helmet of salvation...

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A decade ago, my friend Joel Brooks asked me to go with him to a conference. I was in a difficult situation. I didn't want to go. But, at his insistence, I went. Once there, God spoke to me in a unique way. That one investment of showing up turned into the game-changer that gave me the courage, hope, and strategy to move forward. It was a breakthrough - because I listened to my brother. Hundreds are attending online, many paying the one small fee and watching with a group. (The in-person event is sold out.) When you join, you will find...

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Last week, my wife Judi and I tested positive for the coronavirus. Members of our family did also. One thing I’ve learned in all our days of working in the missionfield of men is, “Victory is always on the other side of a fight!”We were surprised but ready for the fight.Judi and I each had a couple of bad flu days. That ended then began the battle to get back to full energy. That has proven to be slower than I would like, but today, 9 days later, I’m feeling strong. Another thing I’ve learned about the fight to destroy the works...

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IT'S ON!The 2020 CMN Global Summit - "Lions Roar" is happening November 5-6-7, 2020 in Dallas, and I need you there. Online or on-site, please join us. REGISTER HEREThe theme is STRONGER! Building men with the SPIRIT OF ELIJAH! Men who do great exploits, men who challenge sin, men who build the Kingdom.Those men are gathering ... your brothers. We'll join with men all over the world who want to be STRONGER men.You're part of this, let's build a...STRONGER mindsetSTRONGER capacitySTRONGER anointingSTRONGER familySTRONGER leadershipSTRONGER churchSTRONGER heartSTRONGER faithSTRONGER freedomSTRONGER brotherhoodSTRONGER perseveranceSTRONGER walk with GodI just walked through the building where we're meeting, praying...

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Jesus built men. Men who withstood adversity. Men of endurance and grit.Christian Men's Network is a global movement raising up strong men of faith. Join the brotherhood this November 5-7.This is the CMN Global Summit on Biblical Masculinity. STRONGER. Monday Night Men The global broadcast of NEVER QUIT will energize you by the power of the Holy Spirit into greater anointing. Join us as we stream on YouTube at the ChristianMensNetwork. Join the group on Facebook at CMN MONDAY NIGHT MEN. Webinar: Stronger  Is the life you’re leading now the full capacity of what you have inside? Do you know that God made...

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