Here's your free book & videos on grit/endurance/faith

Here's your free book & videos on grit/endurance/faith
Endurance, grit, tenacity, faith--these are core ingredients in the hearts of men who walk through the toughest battles of life, who get strong and stay strong. I've met men like this - and I've wanted to be one of those men.

You can be one of those men. You can get stronger. You can stay strong. You'll need to work at it - but we'll be with you on the journey.

God’s Word says we move from “glory” to “glory,” but where is the glory in living with fear or failure? Don't be intimidated by the chaos of culture or the voices that say you're stuck. Don't park your butt in a chair, let's get up and do some work growing stronger and building a resilient faith. Your family and friends need you to be cranking life!

Just seven habits will help you build greater strength. Greater strength means greater significance and making your dreams happen. 

It’s all in one FREE book, Seven Habits that Build Spiritual Endurance. Plus 10 FREE videos.

Commit to reading a chapter and watching a video each day. You’ll experience a new sense of purpose and confidence. You’ll grow from strength to strength, from glory to glory, just like God says you will.

Get it for yourself. Do the work. And bro - send this link to a friend today!

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It’s never too late to start! Monday Night Men teaches the Power of Potential now through March. Watch it on YouTube. Get your guys, your family, your church to watch at home. Then do a round-up call after the video to discuss. So simple. Enormously effective.

Discover the keys to fulfillment and success on AchieveLab. Hundreds of hours with the world’s leading experts, authors, coaches, and ministers. For a limited time, you can access teachings from Jordan Durso and Javon Ruff at no charge.

Johnnie Moore is a relentless advocate for religious freedom in the Middle East, Nigeria, and the most dangerous places in the world. He has authored several books including the one we talk about on the latest episode of BraveMen – The Next Jihad, Stop the Christian Genocide in Africa. SUBSCRIBE AND LISTEN
DETOX...destroy negative thinking, restore positive habits, enlarge your heart and go after bigger dreams! Along with Paul Louis Cole's extensive mindset reset are messages from Dale Bronner, Joel Brooks, RT Kendall, Rob Carman, and Ed Cole. Available as mp4 videos on a flash drive with gift tin case. SAVE $15 TODAY.