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Click to watch this powerful video about your LEGACY. What you do in life becomes history, what you put into motion becomes your legacy. Take five minutes to watch this powerful devotional about leaving a legacy for the next generation. Our consuming focus is to reach men for Jesus Christ. As we mentor fathers, we save the lives of children. Michael Murphy answers the question of every father: how do we pass a legacy to the next generation? Ever wonder about the Bible passage from Proverbs 13:22, "a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children"? What is our...

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Who do you think had a better 2020 – the man who committed in January to resolutions and big 2020 goals? Or, the man who committed in January to daily rituals of faith and core values?Right, 2020 was easier on the man who was committed to his rituals of faith, to the core values they brought him. Values honed by daily rituals of faith aren’t affected by a pandemic. That means daily building your faith up is more important than resolutions. It’s what gives you the strength and the strategies to carry out your goals.The problem you face is that you...

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As a child, Martin Luther King, Jr. had something special that set the stage for his legacy: a father who mentored him. He wasn't a perfect dad, but he was a dad who always showed up. It was Martin Luther King, Sr., a beloved pastor in Atlanta, who taught his son not only to stand against the system of hate surrounding them, but also to forgive the people caught up in it. His father taught him to live as a man of character, love and courage. His father taught him never to let go of the dream of freedom. His father...

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Become the CEO of your life in 2021. Make the decisions that position you for growth, character and wisdom. The Power of Potential started this week on Monday Night Men. Every week hundreds of men gather from around the world to unpack the truths of God's word. It premieres Live on YouTube and Facebook at 8pm Central and stays there so you can access the teaching anytime you are able.Key elements we're covering include:> The one thing you must-have for great achievement> The biggest enemy that stops men from being their best> How to find a pattern and purposeWe've just done...

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The news fails to report and tell the true story of what’s happening in nations like Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, and 47 other Dangerous Nations. But here’s the fact: Jihadist groups are targeting the disenfranchised, angry and lonely young men of the world. These groups have not gone away, they have been regrouping and strengthening. They have been focused on recruiting young men to build up their armies to continue their evil missions. These are young men who need a mentor – a father who will help them navigate into a life with purpose and legacy. The Dangerous Nations campaign is a strategic...

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