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Iran is first : heading into dangerous nations 2021
We are going into the most dangerous nations of the world starting with Iran. Before they reach the streets in our cities we are reaching them in theirs with the Gospel of Jesus!This five-year strategy will train over 50,000 pastors to disciple FIVE MILLION men. It's a nation-changing campaign.After the success of training 2400 pastors in VietNam last September - the Lord has given us this powerful mission.We need your financial help to kick it off.So, before the year ends would you pray and consider giving? Thank you.Every 180 minutes…a Christian is killed for his faith. Every day…ten Christians are...
In 1943 Dr. Abraham Maslow published a paper titled "A theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Review. That paper has become a foundational part of modern psychology and framed the viewpoint of many of our health professionals. He created what’s now called, "Maslow’s hierarchy of need." In it, he argued that before man could become a man in community he had basic motivations that had to be met. There were five levels: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. At the top were: FOOD, SHELTER and WARMTH. I have my own hierarchy of need based on my faith in Jesus Christ and the passion...
Brother, where art thou??
HERE’S HOW TO LAUNCH 2021 WITH GREATENERGY AND SUCCESS Beginning Monday, January 11, we will engage thousands of men on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram with our newest CMN MONDAY NIGHT MEN global intensive POWER OF POTENTIAL.Today’s environment requires practical, workable solutions that are practiced by the world’s top champions and leaders. This study will become your answer to everyday problems and also to the huge crises we as men sometimes face.More than two million men have completed Power of Potential training and solved personal problems, increased their business, and improved their careers.Now it’s YOUR TURN! Here’s what you can do...
STRONGER: Session Five - Christmas!
I bless you on this Christmas Day 2020. A remarkable, difficult and transitional year of life. I pray the breath of the Lord over you – His very presence as you walk through this weekend of remembering those who have left for heaven, those you cannot gather with and loving the ones you are with right now. Imagine the mix of emotions that Joseph wrestled with as this day began to unfold – the coming of the Messiah. As a baby. As his baby. Excitement, distress, concern, joy and what to do next. Months before the very first Christmas day, Joseph wrestled...
On a few occasions, I’ve felt like I was about to drown – and on a few, my friends and I have saved someone from drowning. Living on the ocean as a young man, those opportunities came quick and unexpected. It’s not easy to save a man from drowning in powerful ocean waves when he’s never been there before, and that’s usually who we had to help. He’s thrashing around with no sense of purpose. He’s heavy. The waves have the power to knock us off our feet. And then trying to drag him up to shore and do chest...