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Seasons of intensity come and go. You can’t make decisions based on the current season. You must keep walking and know the season will change.Because the Holy Spirit, the abiding presence of Almighty God, lives in you, you can walk through this world confident, passionate, encouraged, hopeful, filled with peace. But it doesn’t mean you don’t use wisdom. It’s wisdom to eat healthy, stay in the Word, speak generously.This week Robert Barriger shares a powerful devotional with the CMN brotherhood on how to get God’s perspective on things and walk wisely.Watch Robert’s devotional now STUDIO DISASTER UPDATE  GOOD NEWS: CMN's...

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Even the best of us get stuck. We all have storms and obstacles. The enemy doesn't want your life to count ... for you to have lived with purpose. Columbus faced mutiny and despair - but he pressed on. Jacob was tired - but he kept wrestling. Joseph was in prison - but he held on to his dream. Peter denied Christ - but he kept showing up. Isaac Newton's mom wanted him to be a farmer - but he pushed through the obstacles - invented calculus and the laws of gravity and optics. If you have found yourself in a...

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We got hit—and got hit hard. Every county in Texas had storm warnings—freezing temps, snow, winds and devastating ice. It’s not something that is expected yearly in Texas, but it does happen every decade. Thousands of people experienced devastation and will take some time to rebuild.The CMN studio was hit hard with broken pipes, flooding, and damaged walls. While food pantries restock and people get back on their feet, and as CMN does our best to help those in need, would you consider making a financial gift NOW to help get the studio functioning again?  PLEASE HELP CMN RECOVER We’re...

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Endurance, grit, tenacity, faith--these are core ingredients in the hearts of men who walk through the toughest battles of life, who get strong and stay strong. I've met men like this - and I've wanted to be one of those men.You can be one of those men. You can get stronger. You can stay strong. You'll need to work at it - but we'll be with you on the journey.God’s Word says we move from “glory” to “glory,” but where is the glory in living with fear or failure? Don't be intimidated by the chaos of culture or the voices...

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Do you recall where you were on February 15, 2015? That’s the day terrorists sent a shocking 5-minute video of 21 men in orange jumpsuits kneeling on an unnamed beach in Libya. The video showed black-hooded ISIS militants behead the men. Twenty workers were Coptic Christians from Egypt and one was from Ghana, all captured for only one crime – they were, the jihadists taunted, “people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian Church.”For two months in the post-Gaddafi chaos of Libya, from December 2014 to January 2015, militants captured dozens of workers from many nations. The men were set...

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