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Start off a powerful week tonight by joining the CMN brotherhood across the globe. The two-night, Vietnam live telecast begins tonight at 10 PM Eastern / 8 PM Central right after Monday Night Men at 8 PM Central / 9 PM Eastern at 10pm eastern US / 8pm central US.  Tonight’s speakers include Paul Louis Cole and Keith Davis.  For over 40 years, CMN has equipped the local church to reach men for Christ, and tonight is for pastors and leaders across Vietnam. You can join the telecast as well to learn ways to cultivate strong men – to instill grit, tenacity,...

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We are anticipating a powerful week as our TWO-night, Vietnam livestream begins on Monday, March 22nd. You can be a part of this historic telecast by praying for hundreds of pastors and leaders as they watch LIVE in Vietnam.Please consider giving towards this powerful church-building event. P.S. – Your continued support of the global ministry of CMN helps reach men not only in Vietnam but also in over 100 other nations around the world. This is a powerful missions outreach to rescue men, transform families and defeat fatherlessness. SUPPORT VIETNAM   DONATE NOW

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Here's one more reason you need to join with other men tonight for Monday Night Men: It will help you in business, and help you achieve your dreams.John and I spoke three weeks ago. He told me how he went through a difficult divorce that flattened him. He was trying to find an anchor for his life and found Monday Night Men. He listened, studied, got into the Word. The brotherhood of Monday Night Men rewired him to work in his business. A huge success now in his field, John told me, "The reason I'm doing this today is because of...

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You and I are on a mission. This is not for the fainthearted. It's for men who have a compelling vision to see men rescued, families saved and nations brought to Christ.God has called us out of safe places and into dangerous nations. Men in other nations don’t have bail outs or access to any resources. We have brothers in Southeast Asia that need our hand and our hope – they look to us. This is why last year we launched our first online livestream event to train the pastors and leaders in Vietnam. And it’s why March 22nd and 23rd...

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New, freshly revised CMN books are now AUDIOBOOKS and available through These audiobooks are an easy and powerful way to fill your heart and mind with God’s truth. From the gym to your morning commute your heart will be encouraged and your spirit fired up as you listen to Paul Louis Cole read each full-length book.And a heads up to those who are part of our Monday Night Men, Power of Potential, global intensive: FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER - the Power of Potential book is available as an audiobook - click here to download and start listening today. ...

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