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What's Good About Good Friday
Why Good Friday is Good For me, the real reason Good Friday is good because of redemption! (click to tweet). The crucifixion of Christ is fulfilled in the resurrection. His blood shed for us, his victory over death, his triumphant breakout from the tomb – that’s what it’s about for me – my life gets to breakout of all the corruption, turmoil, depression and sin of this world into a new life in Jesus Christ! Good Friday is good because of redemption! The Bible is very clear that the cross was a place of mercy for you and me. He...
Easter: I Am Right Now
A few days ago Islamist terrorists killed dozens of people in Brussels, weeks ago dozens in Turkey, then it was France, San Bernardino – just this year over 200 terrorist attacks worldwide – and it seems to be a tornado of despair and fear that is unrelenting in its swirling over the nations. We live in a broken, fractured world, made that way by evil. What that produces in all of us is sin, lifestyles that are opposite of living righteous by the standards of God. Jesus said in John, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill...
Winning the Asymmetrical Battle of Fear
I first heard the term “Asymmetrical Warfare” while in Southern Lebanon with the Israeli Defense Forces in early 2006. It described the battles that were raging with Hezbollah and its terrorist allies. We drove through active battlefields, saw missiles hit Haifa and learned first hand the nature of this type of warfare. I was directing a documentary. Early one evening, my crew and I arrived at a home that had just been hit by a Katyusha rocket randomly fired into Israel. It was a Christian Arab family that had just sat down for dinner. The rocket hit in the hallway,...