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Most men don’t realize it – but, they are in crisis. Our world is in crisis. It’s a chaotic season.  But, whenever there is a problem - God’s answer is always a person. He chooses to use people to bring the answers and solutions those in crisis need. When the walls of Jerusalem were in ruin God raised up a man ...  Nehemiah  When there were human justice issues in Egypt God raised up a man ... Moses  When the gospel needed to be preached God raised up a man ... Paul  When Israel was living a defeated life God...

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We’re living in a season of dynamic change. On every side, there are loud voices raised against righteousness, against the family and against faith. There is a spirit loosed in the earth that desires to destroy the family – to demolish the foundations of faith that truly set men free. It is an ever-increasing crescendo of battle – and the stakes have never been greater.The next generation hangs in the balance. It is a fight.But, we were made for times like these. CMN disciples men who stand strong against the immoral tide and stand tall for the Gospel of Jesus...

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How will this nation survive? It will survive by resetting its course to the founding wisdom and values that made it remarkable. This week the USA celebrates its birth. The Fourth of July is a tremendous holiday to thank God for His sovereign blessing on the nation. This nation was founded on mutual respect, honor, the dignity of mankind, hard work, brotherhood, and the Word of God. One of America’s founding heroes was the statesman Patrick Henry, he famously said, “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” But Henry also...

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You’re a dangerous man. Don’t apologize for being a man committed to the Bible, committed to righteousness, and committed to a moral center. The world needs you right now. It’s a mess and you have the message. Jesus. That’s why after we finish tonight’s CMN Monday Night Men we are hitting it strong with NEVER QUIT! Yep, that’s the next series we will launch on August 3rd. Right now – finish strong tonight – and then get your men ready to launch strong in August. Game-changer! This is a culturally dynamic moment and the church needs your voice. Your neighbors...

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It’s week 13 of our CMN Monday Night Men global men’s intensive, live streaming on YouTube and Facebook. This world is in transition, crisis, and confusion. People today need a voice. They need a role model. The world needs a man who will live an uncompromising life in the midst of a compromising world.What the world cannot control it will decriminalize and legalize. What the church cannot control, it will rationalize and psychologize. What men cannot control, they will demoralize and compromise.Compromise comes from the seduction of comfort. Is the church today becoming too comfortable with being acceptable? Do we desire...

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