Dangerous nations -- Sobering stats

Dangerous nations -- Sobering stats
Every 180 minutes…a Christian is killed for his faith.

Every day…ten Christians are unjustly imprisoned, more than 25 church facilities are attacked, terrorist jihad groups attract 67 disaffected young men.


Into this chaos the Christian Men’s Network is committed to bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to MEN.

In 2020, the CMN team pivoted energy and resources from going “on site” to reaching men “on line.”

The result was the tremendous impact made in one of the most persecuted nations on earth: The 2020 Vietnam “Never Quit” National Broadcast. 

Now, we’re ready take it to the most dangerous nations in the world!

The goal is a simple reproducible system with measurable results that will continue for decades to reach the darkest places on earth.

Over the next five years, stand with CMN to reach thousands of young men on their streets—before they show up on your streets.

We are CMN. We rescue men.

And for a limited time, you can donate $50 or more towards this powerful initiative and receive access to the CMN Global Summit: Stronger. GIVE HERE