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Tolerance will not build a nation
A man with a righteous dream, and the guts to go after it, will always be the among the most dangerous and misunderstood of all men.Today in the United States we commemorate the memory of a great man with a large dream…Martin Luther King, Jr. The son of a minister, the father of four children. He was educated in the finest of schools and had a path that would lead to a comfortable life as a respected clergyman in a fine church in Atlanta or somewhere on the east coast. But, he had a dream ... and he committed his...
Review your 2022 goals
The brotherhood of CMN has unleashed a mission to the nations that is gaining momentum and leading men to Christ. We are focused on results.The Dangerous Nations outreach goals for this year are to reach men in terrorist-besieged and impoverished areas—specifically, in the darkest places in nations such as the Philippines, India, and Pakistan. And continuing our successful work in VietNam, Iran, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan.“Decisions translate into energy” It’s true. When we seek God for wisdom, make the decision, meditate on it, write it down - we set into motion the next step - and our destiny.Stop - think about it—what...
Avoid sand traps in 2022
The great golf instructor Harvey Penick was asked by one of his students, “Help me to get out of the sandtraps.” Harvey replied, “I’ll eventually teach you that. But first, I’ll teach you how to stay out of the sandtraps.”Life is full of traps. Some we see and still walk into them, others are unseen and we’re surprised when we’re captured by them. Regardless of whether we are caught or not, they are all around us every day.The first trap right now is making New Year’s resolutions instead of starting new habits.Habits are the fuel of your day. And a habit...
Skip that New Year’s resolution
Skip that New Year’s resolution. Here’s what to do instead. Paul told the Galatians, “You were made for freedom – why are you putting yourself under the law again?” Resolutions have the unmistakable fragrance of the law. And, we are great at breaking the law. The parking lots of health clubs will be full this week and half-empty by February. We all laugh about it, but it’s true. Why?We all have ways to push back: “It’s too cold to workout, it‘s too late, let’s make this happen tomorrow” and so on. It certainly doesn’t help to turn on the rants of some self-proclaimed...
You can still give but the clock is ticking
This year, God has used you to share the hope of Jesus and meet the needs of men in some incredible ways.Whether it was through the Majoring In Men Foundations training course, the Dangerous Nations outreaches, Monday Night Men live stream, Brave Men podcast, or the epic Global Summit event you’ve been there to help rescue men in their greatest time of need.Together we can defeat fatherlessness, end child abuse, and raise up strong men who love God and love people.As 2021 winds down, we invite you to join together to make an even bigger impact with an end-of-year financial gift. Give before...