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For years the CMN brotherhood has banded together to sow into Vietnamese pastors and church leaders with prayer, books, resources, and online training. As a result, a historic men's movement is exploding in Vietnam! Men are hungry - pastors are rising to the occasion.  And just a few days ago, we received word from church leaders that they have an immediate need for more training to fuel the fires of revival.So, next week (May 3-4), CMN will launch a TWO-night Vietnam livestream to equip these pastors even more.You can be a part of this historic telecast by praying for hundreds of pastors...

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They didn’t know it was “Easter” as we know it now. They just knew they had lived a miracle. The Messiah was dead – and then He was alive! For over a month after His crucifixion, they talked and walked with Him ... times of teaching and fellowship.In almost every case when Jesus appeared after the resurrection there was food and fellowship involved. He made food on the shore of Galilee, He appeared to the disciples in a house and asked them if there was anything to eat, He broke bread in Emmaus, He appeared to hundreds at a feast.He...

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Over the past few months of increasing and tragic wars in Ukraine, Ethiopia, Syria, and a dozen regions, it seems as though we live in a tornado of despair and fear that is unrelenting - swirling toxic emotional clouds of despair, death, and defeat over the nations. And, over you and me.Jesus said in John, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.  I came that they (people everywhere) may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the fullest, letting it overflow, a better life than they ever dreamed of!).”Sometime later his best...

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Over 34 wars and armed conflicts are taking place right now around the world.Ten of those conflicts have had more than 10,000 deaths. Most of those conflicts have made it dangerous to be a Christian – many have destroyed the churches and killed hundreds of pastors. At the forefront right now is the war in Ukraine.This is precisely why the Lord led us to launch the Dangerous Nations outreach. To translate needed materials into key languages – to lead men to Jesus. To equip leaders to disciple men. To save families and bring hope to the next generation. To reach the...

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The remarkable courage-under-fire of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine has inspired all of us. His courage is not just about himself - but for those whom he is responsible for. Courage inspires others.When you stand against unrighteousness at your job, in your community, or with your family - you inspire others. Courage is the result of embracing your destiny as a man of God. We all must be men of courage.Proverbs 28:1 says, “The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.”The Bible is a book of moral courage, moral fortitude, and...

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