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A bold witness for Christ on the streets of Hollywood, Philip Wagner is a unique pastor with a vibrant message. From L.A.’s penthouses to Hollywood’s back alleys, Philip has become the pastor that everyone can connect with. He’s the founder of Oasis Church and author of the bestseller Unlock Your Dream. You will meet this powerful servant-leader at Lions Roar in Fort Worth! Longtime CMN friend and international pastor coach Michael Murphy describes Philip and Holly, “They have built one of the most diverse congregations in the world.” Because of their authentic faith in Christ, the Wagners have gained tremendous...

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Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer carries global influence as one of the leading Christian academics, and pastor of one of America's most significant churches. We are honored he is bringing a keynote address in Fort Worth, Texas, at the 40th anniversary of Christian Men's Network. Dr. Ulmer and Dr. Ed Cole often shared the stage at men's conferences in years past. Today, Dr. Ulmer's passion for bringing men to Christ still burns strong. As we had coffee yesterday, it was obvious he is passionate about training and raising up strong men. At Faithful Central Bible Church in Los Angeles, he has built a...

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These are men who do the work. It’s our legacy, yours and mine. We are men of faith, courage, and action. We are the men who do not flinch in the face of adversity but face the troubles in our culture head-on. You'll be with these heroes and many more at It’s November 8, 9, 10 in downtown Fort Worth, Texas, a fantastic location just down the road from Dallas. Look at who you’ll be with! Robert Barriger – a Southern California surfer got saved and asked, “What’s the hardest thing I can do for Jesus?” His mentor said, “Be a missionary.” He and Karyn...

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For most people, a long prayer of, “I need,” is easier than a long one of, “thank you for.” But it was thanksgiving and thankfulness that marked the explosive growth of the early church. Paul wrote from prison, “Keep on rejoicing in the Lord at all times. I will say it again: Keep on rejoicing!” (Phil 4:4 isv) This attitude sustained him through the most difficult times.  Pastor Jack Hayford wrote a book called The Key to Everything. When Pastor Jack says something is the “key,” we listen. He wrote, “At Thanksgiving, the imagery of harvest frames our own nation’s...

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A permissive culture focused on personal fulfillment and selfish pursuits has produced the ethos of rape. Stanford swimmer Brock Turner was indicted for raping an inebriated young woman he found in distress. Many said, “Boys will be boys.” But when the first response by a young man finding a woman in distress is to abuse her, it indicates a decision that was made prior to that moment. His father said, “His life will never be the one that he dreamed about. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action.” But what is 20 minutes for him...

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