Rejoice with us that fourteen men received Christ at our CMN men’s event in Phoenix, followed by tremendous ministry in Calgary. And now after a week off, we’re gearing up for VietNam, then Brazil.
The Vietnam outreach kicks off July 9. We have over 1900 churches represented in our four roundtables. Two of the roundtables are fully funded. We need to fund the balance, at $3600 each. Thank you for being on the CMN team.
The CMN team includes some significant men of God. Two of my heroes joined Commissioned Men at a “Daniel Summit” two weeks ago. They made some deep insights that I wrote in my personal journal. I believe these are important for all of us, and pray you’ll have a minute to meditate on them.
Joel Brooks said, “Your past is your future, unless your heart changes. One truth from God received and embraced in our hearts can change everything.
He explained that the “renewing our minds” according to Scripture is actually a reorientation of our position. We have to be renewed to live with a passion from a world we cannot see. We live from something, from the presence of God. We are the visible evidence of His presence. The seen witness of an unseen God.
Joel challenged us with this: “If your internal world is changing slower than your external world, then you have become obsolete.” Wow! He said, “the church must change its methods while remaining true to the message. We can ask men to put down their phones, or we can get on their phones.”
“A man’s choices create his reality,” is how Joel closed his remarks. “There are only two destinies—Jesus or Satan. Wisdom to make the right choices is found in a person, the person of Christ. The Bible sets you up, conditions your heart, to hear from God, and make the right choices.”
Then Doug Stringer charged us up with the battle cry, “Reviresco” which is a Scottish motto that means, “I grow strong again.” Doug admonished us with that word that speaks of getting back up. We were knocked down but that’s not the end of the story. God is writing the story… so get back up.
From his Japanese background, Doug gave us a picture from the art of Kintsugi. In this ancient art, pieces of broken pottery and tile are put back together in a manner that brings greater beauty and value than when they were whole. Speaking of the work of God in a man’s life, He puts us back together and our value increases.
The final word from Doug was a quote from David Livingstone, “If an earthly king gives us an assignment, it’s an honor. Why is it, if a heavenly king gives us an assignment, it’s a sacrifice?” Stirring words
The commissioned men that were gathered urged us to conduct three Daniel Summits next year in three key regions of the U.S. Please watch for it and join us!
Thank you again for prayerfully considering what you can do to help the efforts in VietNam. And, please be in prayer for us starting July 9. It’s intense, needed, watering a thirsty land.
May the war cry “Reviresco” be the cry of your heart.
Look Inside My Journal