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The Invisible Impact: Your Seed of Hope
Do you ever feel like your efforts to be a better man, live a good Christian life don't matter? That when you speak up for Christ it's falling on deaf ears - like you're shouting into the void? Here's an encouraging word - get it deep into your heart and mind: WHEN YOU THINK NOTHING IS HAPPENING, SOMETHING IS HAPPENING. We're not called to be harvesters all the time. Sometimes, we're the seed planters. Think about it: Every time you share Jesus, you're planting a seed. Every act of kindness, every word of truth - it's all seed. You might...
Results That Matter: Lives Transformed
These photos are what is happening every day, all over the world. God is moving on the hearts of men. A new wave of Christlike men are rising up. In UGANDA, you can see the results of the CMN strategy. Our primary focus is to train pastors and leaders to disciple men. When men are devoted followers of Jesus, everything changes - marriages healed, families rescued, finances increase, children blessed, churches grow. Last month, an international team of CMN men went for a second time to ALBANIA, to do exactly that: Train pastors and leaders to disciple men. Momentum is happening. In...
True Grit: Fighting For Your Land
Grit is making a decision and staying true to it no matter what. Grit resolves to push through despite the pain. Grit says: This is what I’m called to do—this is who I am. Grit chooses a course of action and then acts—forcefully. This is where I am today as we in CMN press forward to forcibly take territory from the enemy and thrust men toward Christ's transforming power.. One of King David’s men had such grit, he fought in hand to hand combat in a field of beans. Today as we fight for men's lives the principle is the...
Update From Paul Louis Cole
It is in the pressure of the battle that we discover the true nature of a man. Does he have grit, the will to fight, the faith to persevere … does he have the deep trust in Jesus that surveys the waves and then steps out of the boat.The enemy tells us that every problem is larger than the solution we have in us through the power of Jesus Christ. The enemy is a liar. Christ is victorious.We are in a fight and I need your help. CMN needs a financial victory.In the midst of a tremendous season...
Knocking Down Intimidation. Do This.
Are you living like a victim or a victor? Let this truth sink in JESUS ALWAYS TOOK AUTHORITY OVER THE ENEMY! No matter what chaos swirled around Him, Jesus never cowered or retreated. He stood his ground and took charge. He expects you to do the same. Consider this: When sickness struck, Jesus healed. When confusion reigned, Jesus brought wisdom. When people felt lost, Jesus gave direction. When hearts were broken, Jesus showed compassion. But He didn't just react. He took authority. He mastered the situation. Brother, it's time to ask yourself: Are you living with the same authority? Your default...