“King” Herod was a man of power and wealth. But he wasn’t an authentic “king.” His position was tenuously tied to the dispensation of Roman rulers. If Herod didn’t send money to Rome, or couldn't control his region, he’d be pushed out and lose everything. He was a man on the edge.
That’s why Herod was shaken when wise men said a “king” was born in Bethlehem. The announcement of Christ’s birth was a threat to all his wealth and power. So Herod made an evil decree: “Kill all the boys.” An evil declaration that is still alive across the nations.
Killing the boys by killing Jesus in the hearts of men is what the enemy is still attempting today.
The dysfunction and deception of an ungodly cultural system tries to destroy the future of boys by destroying the men that would mentor and father them. Saving the next generation has always been a fight to the finish. It is a fight Jesus came to win.
It's what Christmas is all about. Good news - you are loved and you have a God-given future!
Christmas reminds us that a war is being fought. It is intense. It's about our children and legacy. Herod could not kill Jesus and the enemy will not destroy the future of our children.
Our mission—our priority—this season and always is to protect the boys the enemy wants to kill—to rescue men and save the family. Thank you for your support of Christian Men’s Network.
Every gift reaches a man, changes a family, touches a child.