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Bishop Dale Bronner texted me late Thursday night of Lions Roar and said, "This is so very powerful." Paul Forrest has been a part of CMN for 40 years and said, "I don't ever remember a Lions Roar that had more momentum attached to it - our most significant days are ahead!" Robert Barriger said, "It's a new season. God is doing something remarkable and we have to move with great intensity." Others echoed the same. It was amazing - we're still in the afterglow. I'm watching every session again to get the depth and detail of the ministry.We will...

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I am personally inviting you to join hundreds of global influencers, thought leaders, creators, and provocateurs in Dallas, Texas this November 8-10. Against the tide of unholy arrogance, abuse, fatherlessness, and the persecution of righteousness, strong men are converging from the US, Brazil, Bulgaria, Ulaanbataar and beyond. It’s a historic gathering. One pastor from Los Angeles wrote me after attending last year’s summit: “I’ve never been as challenged, as affirmed, or as motivated as I was at Lions Roar. This shocked me. I thought it was just a conference. It’s actually a gathering of warriors. I was caught up in the middle of...

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At the US election in two weeks, I'm voting for the Kingdom of God. My vote is for Christ.When I ascertain the merits of a candidate, my first standard is the Word of God, not a political party.Then I'm looking at how the candidates treat their family, their spouse, their staff, so I can see what their life might be like when they're out of the lights. My next concern is my community, do they add value or is it all just talk? Do they love and serve the community, or is it more a lust for power and self-serving motives?When we meet...

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Christian Men's Network Brazil is one of the fastest growing men's movements in the world. This week, over 600 key CMN leaders from across Brazil gathered in the capital city of Brasilia to pray, strategize, be encouraged and to build the brotherhood.Thousands of churches are growing at a tremendous rate due to the ministry of CMN and the Majoring in Men curriculum. Led by Jorge Nishimurra and Marcos Pohl, CMN is making strong impact in this major world power. One pastor from Porto Alegre said the Number One result of "majoring in men in ministry" is increased salvations in the church. They will baptize 700...

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Pastor Michael Phillips is one of the most influential pastors involved in the US education system today and is highly respected in his native Baltimore for his extensive work in community restoration, plus his church that sits as a “city on a hill” in his neighborhood.In short, Michael GETS IT. When it comes to facing a struggle, where some men take cover, Michael TAKES ACTION.Twenty years ago, he and his wife moved “home” to Baltimore to take over an inner-city church. I preached there two weeks ago, and I can tell you, it is rocking! Michael is discipling hundreds of men.Pastor Michael...

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