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Jesus was known as a “friend of sinners.” There is a wide gap between being a friend and just being friendly. Being friendly accepts no responsibility for the other person’s wellbeing. Being a friend accepts the bonds and context of being someone that others can depend on. I grew up mostly in Northern California. Close to my house in the mountains of Santa Cruz were huge redwood trees. The huge redwoods are remarkable. They are the largest living things on earth and the tallest trees in the world. Some of them are 300 feet high and more than 2,500 years...

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Have you ever had a song stuck in your mind? You sing it all day, it starts to bother you. How do you get rid of that song? You replace it with another song. How do you get rid of fear? Replace fear with faith, with the Word, with generous thoughts, with generous actions—loving others, helping others, giving liberally to others, defeating the core of selfishness that so easily comes over us and breeds the virus of fear.Fear comes at us from many directions. We may be doing great in most areas of our lives, then our largest client decides...

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Bishop Dale C. Bronner, known all over the world as one of the great Christian communicators of this era, brings today's Brave Men Motivational. Meet him and hear him LIVE at Lions Roar. Let today's motivation fire you up! God expects us as men to be men of courage and strength. One of the things that Joshua received from God was to be strong and very courageous. That word courageous is really the Old Testament word for faith, like we have in the New Testament. You only find the word faith a couple of times in the Old Testament, but you...

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Judges 2:10 hits like a hammer: "After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not know the Lord or remember the mighty things He had done." Let that sink in. A whole generation lost. A nation destroyed. Why? They failed to disciple the next generation. We can't let that happen on our watch. In a time of confusing voices, young men must have a clear, Christ-centered path to follow. As culture drifts farther from biblical masculinity the need for grounded, godly young men has never been more critical. The solution is a brotherhood and community that provides a...

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Our brotherhood at CMN is in a powerful season of harvest. Reports from across the globe bear out the wonderful news… God is healing the hearts of men. He is rescuing fathers and saving children. After a Sunday church service in Montana, following a tremendous men’s conference the day before, a big man named Jim came up and shook my hand. “Thank you,” he simply said. “For what?” I asked. He stood six inches taller than me, probably fifty pounds heavier, most of it tough Montana muscle. He was a true western roughrider. “Well,” he started, then paused. “Yesterday something...

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