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The Covenant of Manhood - Tony Evans - Lions Roar 2023
Watch this powerful message from Tony Evans, presented at Lions Roar 2023. Many leaders are bringing their key men to LIONS ROAR 2024 - November 7-9, 2024. Registrations have started with a tremendous discount - just $99 for a limited time. A ticket to Lions Roar is the perfect gift for every father and son, the perfect gift for every pastor who wants to grow the church. Lions Roar 2024 is the place to be for every man who wants to join something bigger than himself--who wants to experience the bond of a true brotherhood. Lions Roar 2024...
Maintaining Integrity Through Brotherhood
Never Quit
Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit. A business friend restated this, “Winners are not those who never fail, but those who failed and got mad.” Whatever adversity you are facing, you may make mistakes as you work it out, but you keep working it. The only thing you cannot do is quit. Quitting is not your option … failure is not fatal, but quitting is. Be bold, be brave. Never Quit! Have you joined the thousands of men who are part of the Brave Men Motivation tribe? Receive three emails each week that will...
Men Of Courage And Strength
God expects us as men to be men of courage and strength.
One of the things that Joshua received from God was to be strong and very courageous. That word courageous is really the Old Testament word for faith, like we have in the New Testament.
Pat Robertson: His Undying Legacy
A tattered first printing of the million-selling book Maximized Manhood by CMN founder Edwin Louis Cole features a picture with Pat Robertson. Pat was instrumental in launching this ministry. He was a champion for ministry to men.Most people know Pat as a famous broadcaster who pioneered Christian television around the world. Others know him as an evangelist, humanitarian, and businessman who built enormous compassion ministries, a major university, as well as businesses and ministries. His family knows him as a loving husband, dad, and grandfather. All of us saw Pat as a passionate pursuer of the Lord Jesus Christ. We probably...