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Uncover The Key to Living Boldly and Courageously
Are you tired of feeling trapped in a life story that doesn't align with your true identity? Do you find yourself defining your worth by your job title or professional achievements rather than by who you are in Christ? It's time to rewrite your narrative and discover the real you. On this weeks Brave Men podcast we crack the covers of my new book, Identity: Finding the Real You and Why It Matters. We dive deep into the power of the stories we tell ourselves and how they shape our lives. We uncover the crucial link between identity and self-worth through biblical...
Sometimes I Wish He Hadn’t Said That
I was sitting with Coach Bill McCartney in a small group of men. As always, Coach was intense and focused. He had won an NCAA national football championship and launched a massive ministry to men called PromiseKeepers. Now we were talking strategically about ministry to men and reaching men for Jesus. Then Coach made it personal … He brought us all back to our personal life as the basis for being effective in ministry. He was right. What he said next, I’ve never forgotten. Coach said, “Your wife’s face is a reflection of your heart.” I’ve never forgotten his words...
Equipping Men in the World's Darkest Places
With you and other brothers helping across the nations, every day, CMN provides tools to evangelize and disciple men in some of the most dangerous nations on earth. Let's be mindful that every 180 minutes a Christian is killed for his faith. 370 million fellow believers worldwide face persecution or even death for their faith. Our friends in these nations need our help. You and I make this happen on two tracks: giving financially, praying daily. Please pray about helping translate more books, give away more resources, and do more training sessions to help pastors in Ukraine, Egypt, Pakistan, Mexico...
Unlocking the Power of Mentorship and Personal Growth
When an eight-year-old boy asks his father a profound question about life, it's a moment that demands more than just simple advice. It's a catalyst for a conversation that has the power to transform lives and redefine what it means to be a leader. In this episode of the Brave Men podcast, we're joined by Fred Ichniowski, a seasoned business consultant and boxing commentator who shares his unique insights on the powerful distinction between mentoring and coaching, and the impactful moments that have shaped his career. Through heartfelt stories and hard-won wisdom, Fred takes us on a journey from his...
Equipping Men in the World's Darkest Places
With you and other brothers helping across the nations, every day, CMN provides tools to evangelize and disciple men in some of the most dangerous nations on earth. Let's be mindful that every 180 minutes a Christian is killed for his faith. 370 million fellow believers worldwide face persecution or even death for their faith. Our friends in these nations need our help. You and I make this happen on two tracks: giving financially, praying daily. Please pray about helping translate more books, give away more resources, and do more training sessions to help pastors in Ukraine, Egypt, Pakistan, Mexico...