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What Problem Were You Born to Solve?
I look for opportunities to be with men who expand and enlarge my life. I have found two things: ONE: Most successful men spend much of their time solving problems. A friend who was very successful in business told me, “You’ll always be known by the problems you solve and the problems you create. And you’ll be pursued for the problems you solve.” TWO: The most content men are those who work on problems they believe they were born to solve. Many leaders state that the problem that irritates you the most is the one you were sent to solve. My friend...
Silence the Noise, Hear God's Voice
In a world screaming for your attention, are you ready to harness the power of intentional focus? Focus is not about greater intensity. It's about greater intentionality. Consider this: Your mind processes 40 thoughts per second That's 3,456,000 thoughts a day Your brain makes 100 trillion connections daily In this mental whirlwind, where are you focusing? Here's the hard truth: Your heart will lean in the direction of the voices you listen to. What you focus on influences your decisions, and your decisions direct your life. Brother, it's time to get intentional about what you're feeding your mind and heart....
Clarity Always Defeats Chaos
Consider this: Every day, we're hit with the equivalent of 174 newspapers worth of information. That's 29 trillion pieces of data vying for our attention. It's enough to make anyone’s head spin. But here's the thing - your ability to focus in this chaos isn't just about productivity. It's about your identity, your purpose, your legacy. So, how do we cut through the noise? Focus is the discipline of extracting yourself from the unnecessary. And brother, our most potent tool for this extraction? Prayer. Think about Jesus for a moment. God Incarnate, yet constantly bombarded with demands: ‘HEAL ME.’ ‘COME THIS...
The 10-Minute Revolution
The world doesn't need more distracted men. It needs men of clarity, purpose, and unwavering focus. Men who, like Nehemiah, know how to dig in and get things done. Here's your challenge to become that man: Carve out time for prayer daily, even if it's just 10 minutes. You have 1,440 minutes each day—spare 10 for the Creator of the universe. Use this time to strip away the noise and focus on what truly matters. Lay down your phone, turn off the TV, and get real with God and yourself. Let prayer guide your decisions, your actions, and your very...
Brotherhood and President Biden
Recently President Joe Biden ended his campaign to run for another term in office. It was reported by NBC news that as he gathered his team around him on a Saturday night on the coast of Delaware, he was angry, hurt, and felt betrayed by those who had been his allies for years. It was a classic case of friendship being the victim of political expedience. We’re only friends until it doesn’t benefit me anymore. It’s the animal kingdom. How different is the friendship of brothers in Christ. Brotherhood is at the center of what we do as men of...