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Step by Step: Training Leaders of Men
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Here's How to Disciple Men
Increase volunteers, finances, and faithful men by 20%.
A simple key, easier than you think!
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The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men
Commissioned men, who have completed nine books of the Majoring in Men® curriculum, are eligible to enter a new dimension. Click here and provide your commissioning details and we'll connect you into the Brotherhood.
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Watching the deadly battles happening in the Middle East and around the world reminded me of my own experience as a reporter in a war zone and the power of fear in the hearts of people.
I first heard the term “Asymmetrical Warfare” while videotaping in Southern Lebanon with the Israeli Defense Forces in early 2006. Battles were raging with Hezbollah and its terrorist allies. We drove through battlefields, saw missiles hit Haifa and learned firsthand the nature of this type of warfare. Asymmetrical means “without predictable order.”
Early one evening, my crew and I arrived at a home hit by a randomly fired rocket. It was a Christian Arab family that had just sat down for dinner. The rocket hit in the hallway, exploded through the walls and put a piece of glass through the neck of the oldest daughter....