When A Man Receives Christ

What happens when a man receives Christ, then reads Maximized Manhood?

Walt Landers was empty, living for drugs and parties while building a construction company. In his apartment alone, he cried out for help and Jesus invaded his life. The first thing he did was go to a Bible bookstore to buy a Bible. It was there that a man told him he should read the book, Maximized Manhood, Walt thought, “That sounds like what I want!”

The evidence of a changed life is its fruit. Committed and discipled as an authentic man of God, Walt felt a call to ministry and now leads a growing multi-site church, a burgeoning charter school movement, and is a man with significant influence in the State of Texas.

Walt made a video to ask you to join him in fully committing to reach men around the world. He and his wife Joann have strongly supported CMN missions and other outreaches across the globe.

Walt is concerned for the continued strength and impact of Christian Men’s Network due to the financial hardship (or, "attack"), we have suffered this summer. He's told me that privately, and now publicly:

This ministry is all about investing in people. The CMN mission is about transforming MEN.

Walt quotes: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal" (Matthew 6:19-20).

Please join men from many nations who are coming together right NOW to give the gift they can give, whatever it may be. Give here 

Together with you, Walt and I both believe we will knock out the need and stomp on the enemy to accomplish more and reach more men for the kingdom of God.

As Walt says, "I’m all in. I hope you are, too.”

Thank you for hearing the heart of a great CMN friend, Walt. A man with CMN "DNA" in his entire walk with Christ.

Thank you for giving cheerfully and generously today,

May the Lord bless you and increase your life.
Grace and peace,
Your friend, brother and ally,
