What Happened Next Was Amazing: Nigeria

If you’ve seen our reports here in Brave Men Motivational email or on Christian Men’s Network social media, you’ve heard that some stalwart men in Nigeria have committed to launching a men’s movement across that nation­—a land that has seen over 8,000 church members killed by radical jihadist’s in the last 12 months. 

We answered and went. As we can tell you, God is raising up a band of strong Christian men—men of faith, perseverance, and courage.

Last Saturday, they sent you a video greeting…the cheer is Booyah!…the warrior yell. Watch their greeting to you on the video



What happened next was amazing. 

We ministered right after the video with a powerful word on forgiveness. The principles are: 

-- In the same way that being forgiven by Christ brings us freedom, when a man gives forgiveness, it brings freedom. 

-- Forgiveness opens, unforgiveness closes. Forgiveness releases, unforgiveness retains—straight out of John 20:21-23. 

We ministered, then called men to pray a prayer of forgiveness—forgiving fathers, forgiving others who betrayed them, forgiving those who caused pain. 

God’s power was in that prayer! Men across the auditorium started crying out loud to God.

A young man in the front row began to weep openly. I walked over to him and reached out my arms. He fell into my arms so hard, he almost knocking us over. Men nearby grabbed me to hold us up. The young man cried as I hugged him. I told him he was loved by God … that his Father in heaven loved him.

Later, a man on our team asked, “What was that young man’s problem?” I said: “He just needed a father’s hug.”

Many men suffer with this because of the pandemic of  “fatherlessness.” We are those men who are able to tell the next generation of young men that they are loved, they are valuable, they have a purpose. 

The men’s movement those Nigerian leaders prayed for when they reached out to us – it’s now happening!

Thank you for praying. Thank you for supporting the vision to rescue families, men, children. Thank you for taking part in changing the future of nations. 

We’ll be back in Nigeria in the Fall. The momentum is tremendous. Our brotherhood of men from across the nations is following the leading of the Lord. Full speed. Thank you for being part of that brotherhood.

Stand with the brotherhood - rescue men - change nations - GIVE TODAY.