“JB” (CBS Sports) leads a remarkable lineup this month!
To millions of sports fans he’s just known as “JB” – James Brown is a hall of fame broadcaster. The NFL, the NBA and the Olympics are just a few of his extensive credits. You’ve seen him alongside Terry Bradshaw, Phil Simms, Howie Long and many others – but you’ve never heard this part of his story. In a candid and powerful interview, JB and Paul Cole spend time as friends delving deep into the character of a man - what it takes to live out faith in a tough world and what are some of JB’s greatest moments in sports. His BraveMen episode premieres today and you can listen HERE.
Every week the BraveMen podcast brings together some of the most remarkable men in the world. Each powerful episode has anointed messages and powerful interviews to challenge, inspire, and motivate you to live courageously in the journey of life.
Here’s what others are saying about the BraveMen podcast:
"This has helped me grow my business! I used to arrive at my shop anxious and filled with the negative news of the day. Now, I listen to the BraveMen podcast on the way to work and back home - it has filled me with faith and inspired me to be a stronger business leader and the spiritual leader in my home. Thanks, CMN for this awesome resource." - Bob (Flagstaff, Arizona)
"The BraveMen podcast fills my heart with faith. I used to listen to sports radio and music ... now I'm listening to the BraveMen podcast and my entire demeanor and spirit is stronger. I'm a better husband, father, and friend. Thanks, CMN for everything you do. I wouldn't be the man I am today without this ministry. My wife is thankful also." - Ray (Houston, Texas)
This month is packed with dynamic content. Check out the amazing line-up below. You can listen online or subscribe via your favorite podcast service - see your options HERE.