Hi, this is Paul. We're about take a remarkable journey into 2021. Let's do it together. Join me by text, email, or both for a month of strength-building exercises to go into 2021 STRONGER.
Every man gets knocked down. The resilient man gets back up.
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)
Most men wait. Just wait. But the original word means “to look for” or “to trust in.” It’s not passive. It's an action word. Jacob said at the end of his life:
“I have waited for the salvation of the Lord.”
Another translation says,
“I have trusted in you O Lord.” (Genesis 49:18 NLT)
Jacob didn’t sit around "waiting." He actively trusted in the Lord and got busy pursuing his purpose and mission in life. His was a life filled with hope.
David said:
“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.” (Ps 40:1 NLT)
David was a man of faith and action. He was a man on a mission. He trusted God, had faith that the Lord would renew, rebuild and restore his life on every occasion of battle or misdeed.
How do we build endurance in facing difficulties, distress and the adversity of life?
How do we as ordinary men build a resilient spirit that will withstand the intense pressures that are part of our normal existence?
How do we rebuild and relaunch our mission when life has tried to take us out?
How do we become decisive in our faith and enter every day with a spirit of hope?
How do we become stronger?
At any moment in our normal day, we are faced with obstacles, and we have to make a decision. Do I engage the battle or do I turn away? Fight or flight? Do I resist or demure?
For most men, the decisions are made within the context of circumstances… adversity, failure, trauma, opportunity, success, pain, pressure, and the like. The results of our decisions will either control, crush or compound the pain, will build or tear down our life, will enlarge or diminish our life.
And these obstacles keep coming. Every day. All day. Every week.
Build a life of endurance and grit. Renew your heart, restore your purpose and mission.
I'll be in it with you, coaching you, as you take this journey with your CMN brothers from around the world. The adventure of a lifetime begins with the first step. Sign up today.
We're in it together. Brotherhood.

Paul Louis Cole
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