Brothers United: Nigeria Needs Us Now

Thousands of Christians in Nigeria are being killed, raped, maimed, for their faith. Because of the increase of intense attacks, Nigeria has moved up the list to the Number One most difficult nation in which to love and serve our Lord.

“The situation is beyond us, but we know our God can turn things around,” a man named Ibrahim wrote. “Keep praying for us. Let’s do our best for God's work.”

 Nigerian brothers asked us to come help launch a men's movement - to win men to Christ and disciple strong men of God all across their beloved nation. We're going.


A CMN team heads out the first of next week, yet the budget is only half met. Will you join men from across the nations and lock arms with these brave Nigerians - men of great conviction and faith?


$100 empowers a leader

$500 builds five leaders

$10,000 strengthens an entire region

No gift is too small. One brother blesses another and both brothers are blessed...that's God's way. Please pray and pray again. Their need is our need. We are one Body of Christ.

Let's launch this Nigeria Christian men's movement with the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. God has opened a door – we’re marching in.