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The Global Summit for Biblical Manhood November 7-9 Dallas, TX
Step by Step: Training Leaders of Men
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Here's How to Disciple Men
Increase volunteers, finances, and faithful men by 20%.
A simple key, easier than you think!
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The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men
Commissioned men, who have completed nine books of the Majoring in Men® curriculum, are eligible to enter a new dimension. Click here and provide your commissioning details and we'll connect you into the Brotherhood.
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I was fishing with my grandsons yesterday on their holiday, watching them as they intently waited for a hit from what they hoped was the biggest fish they'd ever caught. Cold and windy, not ideal, but we did manage a couple fat rainbow trout.
As I watched them, I wondered what they would remember. They're 8 and 11 years old. What are the memories they'll have of their Papa?
It's been said about tombstones, that chiseled between the dates of birth and death is just a dash. A full life is in that dash.
How do I want my grandsons to remember me? How do I want them to remember my dash?
That dash represents our legacy.
What a man does in life becomes history, what he puts into motion becomes legacy.
My hope: They remember that...