Here’s how to disciple men
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CMN Global Summit
The Global Summit for Biblical Manhood November 7-9 Dallas, TX
Step by Step: Training Leaders of Men
FREE! Majoring in Men Foundations is in-depth coaching for pastors and leaders. Learn how to build a robust ministry to men that is reproducible, measurable, and sustainable. Here.
Here's How to Disciple Men
Increase volunteers, finances, and faithful men by 20%.
A simple key, easier than you think!
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The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men
Commissioned men, who have completed nine books of the Majoring in Men® curriculum, are eligible to enter a new dimension. Click here and provide your commissioning details and we'll connect you into the Brotherhood.
Latest Blog
When Jesus was born he was surrounded by animals. When he gave his life on the cross he was surrounded by criminals … and family. In between his birth and crucifixion, one of the constants of his life was that he was always with family and friends.
Brotherhood is one of the core values of CMN. To be a friend and stay connected with the brotherhood. It’s said that a friend brightens the room when they enter – others brighten it when they leave. Funny, but too often true.
Jesus had a close friend named Lazarus. In John 11 he’s close to death. His sisters send word to Jesus just a few villages away, perhaps a six-hour walk. But Jesus didn’t come running. He stayed where he was. He had a plan.
The plan was to make his friend...