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Here's How to Disciple Men
Increase volunteers, finances, and faithful men by 20%.
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The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men
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Ibraham is a Christian young man in Nigeria. His father was brutally murdered by Jihadist’s that stormed his small village.
When terrorists quit kicking him, his eyes stared at his father’s severed head lying in the dust next to him. His brother was also beaten and a bomb placed on their home. When the terrorists left, neighbors got him, his sisters, and mom out just in time.
A Christian is killed every two hours in Nigeria, now the most dangerous place in the world for our brothers in Christ.
Why the attack?
Because terrorists asked Ibrahim's father to deny Jesus, and he refused.
Like Ibrahim, many Christians in Nigeria have been given the strength to bear witness to a hope that inspires and commands respect.
“The situation is beyond us, but we know that our God can turn things around in the...