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There’s a pandemic greater than coronavirus that has gone unchecked for too long. It’s made brief public appearances and headlines when a celebrity or pro athlete is exposed but then it seems to disappear behind closed doors again.It’s more common than anyone wants to admit and it’s on the rise as stay-at-home orders have been put in place across our country.  Economic distress and daily confinement are sending men over a dark precipice of anger, fear, anxiety, depression, and rage.From coast to coast, cities, towns, and rural areas are all experiencing the spike. In Fort Worth, for the first time...

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Tonight is week four of our CMN Monday Night Men global men’s intensive, live streaming on YouTube and Facebook. You absolutely don’t want to miss tonight! The Bible teaches evil companions corrupt good character. That’s why, when you see a man’s companions, you see his character.Brotherhood is a powerful force in a man’s life—and it can be a force in your life for good. Brotherhood can cause a man to rise and accomplish amazing things he never thought possible.  This is exactly why you need to be a part of the CMN Monday Night Men intensive. It’s where men are gathering to...

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Five months ago with a packed crowd of men at our Global Summit in Dallas, we said:  “The world doesn’t need a few nice guys in church. The world needs STALWART MEN. Men with a sword. The world doesn’t need us huddled in a flaccid “men’s fellowship” but gathered as brothers in a muscular men’s movement! Tenacious, tough, daring, gutsy men of action … Stalwart Men!” Who knew that within a few months we would find ourselves living in a world gripped by fear and intimidated by the enemy day and night … as if a Goliath virus is standing in front...

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I am about to change your life - ok - at least make it better. This applies to married and to single men. It’s one huge wisdom mic-drop. And, we’ve also linked to one powerful tool for all of us in this CoronaVirus Season. This wisdom truth is a biblical pattern that has made relationships stronger since Adam and Eve. In fact, it would have saved them a lot of grief. It’s a powerful truth. And, most of us right now – need this.We are living in an anxious and stressful season. Even when times are more “normal” it’s tough to...

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I hope you had an incredible Resurrection Weekend! It’s a new week and that means...Tonight is week three of our CMN Monday Night Men global men’s intensive, live streaming on YouTubeand Facebook. We are living in a time when adapting to change is vital. Three weeks ago no one had ever heard of social distancing. It was rare to see someone walking around with a face mask but now, they are everywhere. These things are important to change the course of the current pandemic but to change the course of our lives, families, and culture there’s something more’s our belief system.Your...

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