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It takes courage to win the battles of life. June 6, 1944, in one of the most ambitious and strategic invasions in world history, 160,000 courageous Allied troops threw themselves against a 50-mile stretch of heavily fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy. It was brutal - war at its worst and its finest.General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by the dawn of June 7, the Allies had gained a foothold...

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What you allow to define you will determine your destiny. All decisions flow from your identity. Satan’s temptations of Jesus Christ began with an attack on his identity: “IF you are the Christ…” (Matt. 4). Moving forward with your dreams and visions begin from the foundation of your identity AND every obstacle and attack of the enemy starts in the same place. Who you are always becomes what you do. We become the size of the dreams we are courageous enough to pursue. Or we shrink to the size fear allows us to become…which is always smaller than what we were designed by...

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“Young Men are Facing a Masculinity Crisis” - TIME MAGAZINE   Bryan/College Station, JUNE 2021 — Join men from across South Texas for a powerful Saturday! This is a call to the men of God to rise up with the spirit of a warrior, the heart of sons and the humility of servants to change the future of our state and families. Men of all ages will be challenged, inspired and equipped to live a better life!   Against a rising tide of men’s issues and cultural chaos the pastors and men’s leaders of South Texas are calling for a...

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“Young Men are Facing a Masculinity Crisis”- TIME MAGAZINE   DENVER, JUNE 2021 — Join men from across the state and region in a powerful Father’s Day weekend in Denver! This is a call to the men of God to rise up with the spirit of a warrior, the heart of sons and the humility of servants to change the future of our state and families. Men of all ages will be challenged, inspired and equipped to live a better life! Against a rising tide of men’s issues and cultural chaos the pastors and men’s leaders of greater Denver and Colorado are...

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“Warriors are not men of war. They are men of peace who understand that peace is always the result of strength.” (from our new book, The Stalwart Man)Today we remember and demonstrate our thankfulness to those men and women who have given their lives for the cause of freedom. From the hills of Lexington to the mountains of Iwo Jima, from the shores of Tripoli to the beaches of DaNang. We are a grateful people.Memorial Day in the U.S. is a time we remember the sacrifice of men and women who deemed duty to country and freedom greater than even...

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