The relentless attack on the family is destroying nations around the world.
Protestants and Catholics spend almost Six Billion dollars every year in America on youth ministries and youth outreach. Yet over 90% of 13-year-olds in our churches will be gone from any connection with faith by the age of 21.
Why is that?
Recent studies conclusively show that it’s the breakdown in the family. If Millenials, GenX, and GenZ had the same family structure as Baby Boomers, the churches in America would be packed. That makes sense to you and me – but now the facts are in.
Sadly 85% of the churches in America spend $0 on marriage and men. $0.
That’s ZERO! No men’s discipleship, no training for dating or marriage ... nothing. Maybe a date night or a men’s breakfast – but nothing that strengthens the heart, mind, and soul in Christ.
So what needs to happen? We must save the family. Saving the family starts with rescuing the hearts of men. 70% of all divorces are initiated by the wife.
Fewer people are getting married, many because they hated the sting of divorce in their own lives ... yet they propagate and multiply that same pain when children don’t feel or sense the strength, love, discipline, and affirmation of a father.
The divorce rate for families that attend church weekly is under 12%. Overall if there is any connection to a house of faith, the divorce rate in the church is half of the divorce rate in culture.
The fight is on. We have to save the family.
Build strong men, build strong families, build strong churches.
Rescue a man, save a family.
Join the fight in earnest.
Be at Lions Roar with the CMN Brotherhood.
Warriors for faith.
Youth Ministry: the $6Billion Dollar Fail?