All of life is lived in seasons.
God designed us to be resilient in times of planting, harvest, reaping ... abundance, scarcity, battle, chaos, change and anointing. That is the real man.
Stalwart in the season he is presented. And, filled with faith.
We are moving into a powerful "Season of Success." In every area of life. We are experiencing that with CMN and it is for all of us. You and me and the brotherhood.
To that end, we have built a series of inspiring words, a webinar, and challenging messages that will plant the seeds of a great harvest in 2022.
I'll be inviting you to a webinar on the Bible on December 7 -- a major focus for us in 2022. And, I'll be inviting you to invest in the ministry on "Giving Tuesday," November 30. Special messages on Thanksgiving and Christmas, culminating in our New Years communion together.
Don’t miss one. Open every letter I email to you.
I’m often reminded of my friend Stephen who accepted Christ watching Billy Graham on television years ago. One word changed his life – and his family, grandkids and millions of people who have read his materials.
So – an email, a letter from me, Bishop Bronner, Javon Ruff, Robert Barriger, Michael Phillips, Keith Davis -- can contain a truth that forever changes the trajectory of your life. No gimmicks, no manipulation, no salesmanship.
Just this: If we follow the word of Nehemiah, “Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there” (Nehemiah 4:20).
We will be in this together – and have a great Season of Success heading into one of the most important years of our lives, 2022.
The CMN Global Summit was a tremendous success (more photos below) AND the Dangerous Nations outreach continues to gain momentum - Tagalog translation now ready for Philippines, and more for India. Thank you for supporting these outreaches.
We are in this together.
Your season of success is here