You’re a dangerous man. Don’t apologize for being a man committed to the Bible, committed to righteousness, and committed to a moral center. The world needs you right now. It’s a mess and you have the message. Jesus.
That’s why after we finish tonight’s CMN Monday Night Men we are hitting it strong with NEVER QUIT! Yep, that’s the next series we will launch on August 3rd. Right now – finish strong tonight – and then get your men ready to launch strong in August. Game-changer!
This is a culturally dynamic moment and the church needs your voice. Your neighbors and your family need your voice. Think of how many men need to be discipled in endurance, tenacious living, and bold faith. That’s the message of NEVER QUIT and right now is when you can begin to gather men to connect with that series. (The Never Quit series is next, buy your book and workbook now!)
Tonight is the final week of our Strong Men in Tough Times CMN Monday Night Men global men’s intensive, live streaming on YouTube and Facebook.
Tonight, join me for a special message. You’re a dangerous man - this is not a time to remain silent.
It is going to take the stuff of real manhood to stand for right and righteousness. Above all, we need godliness in the day we are facing. This is not a time for laziness, retreat, hypocrisy, or men without a backbone. It’s time to go toe-for-toe against evil, seducing spirits, and lies and the father of lies, Satan.
This is the time when men crush apathy.
It’s time for men to take our stand for Jesus.
Are you with me? Join me tonight.
Join us for Monday Night Men, let’s be those men … ready for battle.
Set a reminder on your phone to show up tonight. YouTube at the ChristianMensNetwork YouTube channel or on Facebook at CMN MONDAY NIGHT MEN.
You should not apologize