I was sorting some photos and ran across a photo of my mom and wife and our children, my Mom’s grandchildren. My heart filled with emotion. She’s been in heaven for over twenty years.
So grateful she prayed for me and never quit.
The photos Judi and I take now are with our grandchildren – and someday after we’re gone – they’ll have the same experience of looking back and fondly remembering. And, they’ve also had a grandmother (Gammi) who prays for them daily.
Not only did my mom pray for me and my sisters – she always had a timely word of advice.
Perhaps the greatest advice we read in the Bible is also from a mom.
At Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana Mary, the mother of Jesus, had asked her son to do something about helping with the shortage of wine. It’s a funny story in context but also powerfully became the launch of Jesus’ ministry on earth.
After asking Jesus to solve the shortage issue – she turned to the servants standing nearby and said, “Whatever he says to do – do it.” They filled the jars with water and the miracle of it becoming wine propelled Jesus into his earthly mission.
“Whatever he says to do – do it.” A perfect word for you and me. How Jesus said to live, what he told us to do, why we have purpose in our lives – whatever he says, do it.
Thank God for Moms.
Thank God for Moms who pray.
And thank God for Moms with great advice.
Wide Advice From a Mom