Who Are You…Really?

How many people truly know who you are? Who knows your story?

Most men are identified by what they do with their hands: manager, fireman, sales executive, forklift driver, physical therapist, flooring installer, school principal, carpenter, fill in the bank.

When we meet another man, one of the first questions we ask is, “What do you do?” We then categorize that man, giving our minds a reference point.

But is what you do really who you are?

Culture defines a man by what he does with his hands. God defines a man by who he is in his heart. Your true identity is not your job title or profession but your heart and character.

Ready to uncover your true self and live authentically?

Watch the Monday Night Men series on Identity. It’s free and available on our YouTube Channel, just click HERE.

Pick up a couple copies, one for you and one for a brother, of my newest book Identity. Click HERE to take advantage of the current special.