What you may have missed

What you may have missed

The average American consumes about 34 gigabytes of data and information each day, according to studies. That’s estimated to be 105,000 words reaching the human eyes and ears daily. 

So, it’s no surprise that over the last month, you may have missed one of the incredible BraveMen podcasts. It was a breakout month, and we had a fantastic lineup of guests. This could be the perfect weekend to get caught up and fired up. 

Take a look and listen.

S3E91: Dr. Ruby Payne - Fighting Poverty - Setting Men Free

This will change your thinking about poverty, about success, about generational legacy, and most important will cause us to become our 'brother's keeper'. Ruby Payne gets real about the forces that are tearing apart the fabric of the family - and gives you real-world solutions.

S3E82: John Cooper - Skillet - Awake and Alive!

John is the lead vocalist, bassist, and songwriter/producer for Skillet, one of the best-selling rock bands of the 21st century. On this episode we talk with John about his life, his music, his worldview, and his aggressive new book, “Awake and Alive to Truth; finding truth in the chaos of a relativistic world”. His passion is clear, “God wants to rescue you from the chaos and the darkness and bring you into His glorious light!” 

S3E93: Javon Ruff - Jesus & The Unexpected

In this episode, Javon hits us with a great concept, that Jesus shows up in unexpected places and uses unexpected men. This is a powerful word that will propel you to discover your purpose, develop your leadership qualities, and create a desire to see lives changed and generations impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

S3E94: Brian Dickinson - In the Death Zone on Everest

Former Navy rescue swimmer and veteran climber Brian Dickinson was roughly 1,000 feet from the summit of Mount Everest – also known as the ‘death zone’ – when his guide became ill and had to turn back. Brian kept going and made it to the summit solo, a rare feat – but, then went snow blind. He was about to die. Alone and blind on the top of Everest is one of the most compelling stories in history … and one of the most amazing testimonies to ever be on Brave Men.

Be sure to subscribe, listen, and review the BraveMen podcast on your favorite podcast platform. 


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