Saw a headline that grabbed my attention – it said, “What happens to your body if you eat blueberries every day?” Immediately I clicked on the ad. Why? Because my first reaction was negative – there must be something wrong. There wasn’t.
The ad explained that if you eat blueberries every day (which I do often) that you’re a candidate for a coaching program that will stack your muscles and build a super body.
But they had me with the headline.
We are negative by nature. That’s how we’re wired and how life seems to roll out. That’s why conversion is a process.
When you become a follower of Jesus Christ you are a new creation. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
But that doesn’t mean your speech, actions, motivations change overnight. It’s a process. That’s why we are men of the Word, men of worship and prayer. To change the way we think. It is the process of conversion. Converting from negative to faith. To be a disciple we discipline our lives.
Your system of thinking is perfectly designed to achieve the level of life you’re now at. So we ask the Lord to make us new. To renew our hearts and minds and thinking. I think we’re all in process … and it’s continual.
That’s what the Holy Spirit does in us.
We may still jump at the negative, easily slip into fear or anxiety. But Jesus said, “I’ve taught you my ways so that in me you will be at unshakable, fully at peace. So take heart, I have overcome the world!” John 16:33 paraphrase.
And that’s the headline I’ll roll with every day.