Jesus was known as a “friend of sinners.” There is a wide gap between being a friend and just being friendly.
Being friendly accepts no responsibility for the other person’s wellbeing. Being a friend accepts the bonds and context of being someone that others can depend on.
I grew up mostly in Northern California. Close to my house in the mountains of Santa Cruz were huge redwood trees. The huge redwoods are remarkable. They are the largest living things on earth and the tallest trees in the world. Some of them are 300 feet high and more than 2,500 years old.
You would think trees that large would have a tremendous root system reaching down hundreds of feet into the earth. But that is not the case. Redwoods have a very shallow root system. The roots of these trees are, however, intertwined. They are tied in with each other; interlocked. When the storms come and the winds blow, the redwoods still stand. With an interlocking root system, they support and sustain each other.
If you cut down one redwood, they all suffer Their roots are only six feet deep, but they are fully connected. Redwoods need one another to survive. So do we.
It’s called friendship. It’s called brotherhood. We need each other.
How do you build and maintain friendships? Be the friend to others you want for you.
Reach out. Be there. Every day, be an encourager. Call a friend, text two guys, show up at a men's group, volunteer at the church, coach some kids ... do the stuff. Start today.
The power of true friendship, like the intertwined roots of the redwoods, can sustain us through life's fiercest storms. Connected to each other, connected to Christ.
That's where we find our strength.
At Lions Roar, you'll forge these unbreakable bonds with like-minded warriors, creating a brotherhood that will support and elevate you in your journey of faith and manhood.
Be there. Show up. Bring a brother. Make the move and get in the room. Space is running out to secure your spot.