I was fishing with my grandsons yesterday on their holiday, watching them as they intently waited for a hit from what they hoped was the biggest fish they'd ever caught. Cold and windy, not ideal, but we did manage a couple fat rainbow trout.
As I watched them, I wondered what they would remember. They're 8 and 11 years old. What are the memories they'll have of their Papa?
It's been said about tombstones, that chiseled between the dates of birth and death is just a dash. A full life is in that dash.
How do I want my grandsons to remember me? How do I want them to remember my dash?
That dash represents our legacy.
What a man does in life becomes history, what he puts into motion becomes legacy.
My hope: They remember that Papa loved Jesus, and loved and accepted them.
Acceptance is the cornerstone of identity. Identity is the fuel of legacy. It's a good reason to stay close to the Lord. The closer I am to him in my daily walk - the better their walk will be fifty years from now.
Acceptance is the legacy we have from Jesus. That our Father in heaven accepts us.
What do you want your dash to mean to future generations?
What will those coming behind you say?
This is your season, right now, to write that story.