It all begins in less than 24 hours and we still have room for you to join us online. The Global Summit kicks off at 1:00 PM CT tomorrow, November 5th and for only $50 you get full access to the entire event. An event that will make a huge difference in next year for you.
You and your friends will have a front-row seat to experience the ministry of great young leaders like Javon Ruff, Otto Kelly, Venshard Dobbins, plus Robert Barriger, Ken Ulmer, Dale Bronner and more global influencers, thought leaders, creators and provocateurs.
On the night Jesus was betrayed, he had an intimate time of fellowship over a meal with his closest friends, the twelve. He shared his journey, ministered hope, washed their feet and closed this deeply personal time with some final instructions…
“When I sent you out to preach the Good News and you did not have money, a traveler's bag, or extra clothing, did you lack anything?” “No,” they replied. “But now,” he said, “take your money and a traveler's bag. And if you don't have a sword, sell your clothes and buy one. Luke 22:35,36
Jesus said, IF YOU DON’T HAVE A SWORD—GET ONE! Jesus wanted men who would fight in the spirit and in the street. Pray and work.
This echoes Nehemiah’s directive in rebuilding Jerusalem. The men had in their hands a shovel and a sword. Get the work done, but be ready for battle. The work is the fight. The fight is won in the work.
People are not the enemy… the enemy is the enemy.
We must be stalwart against an enemy who would enslave men and capture their hearts… vigorous in our fight against the work of the enemy even in our own lives—pornography, addictions, corruption, abortion, lustful leadership, the institutions of poverty, hunger and immorality.
The world doesn’t need us huddled in a flaccid “men’s fellowship” but gathered as brothers in a muscular men’s movement! Tenacious, tough, daring, gutsy men of action.
THOSE ARE THE MEN who are showing up at the CMN Global Summit.
Men with swords. The CMN Brotherhood. Join us.
Be part of the brotherhood. Register TODAY at