We have a mission

Jesus gave you and me a mission and that mission is to disciple men in every nation. But that's bigger than one man or one group. It's going to take a brotherhood. You are part of that brotherhood. A passionate team of allies.

Brotherhood is the theme as we gather for Lions Roar 2018 on November 8-10 in Dallas, Texas.

Come join us. Be part of something larger than yourself. The world’s definition of manhood has been confused, mis-defined and chaotic. We're coming together to bring clarity, and it's the clarity of Christ. We’re gathering as men who passionately care about the future of people, families, dads and children. We are the stalwart men who declare that the fluid confusion of our culture must have a standard. That standard is—true masculinity should look like Jesus Christ.

Gather with us. Join us at Lions Roar 2018. There are strong men coming from over 50 nations it, but it won't be the same without you.

All the details are at LionsRoar2018.com. Bring some key men with you.