A new day is dawning in Vietnam. Hope is breaking through the shadows. Will you pray with me for our telecasts to Vietnam? Would you take ten minutes every day and pray? Over 100 years of war and turmoil has left Vietnam scarred with the pain of conflict - those scars are carried in the hearts of people. Would you pray for them with me?
Pray for the children and families of Vietnam, pray for the dads and moms, pray for the churches and pastors who are enduring deep persecution yet remain filled with hope.
“Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!” Romans 15:13 TPT
We have begun a great work in that nation and as we continue to teach the leaders of that nation to disciple men it will change everything. Right now five major denominations and hundreds of other churches will be participating in the NEVER QUIT Vietnam telecast!
Orphanages packed with children, birth defects, families on the brink and now the long dark shadow of Covid-19 has dismembered a once burgeoning economy, the daily struggle continues – the long-term answer is raising up a new generation of men and fathers.
Our friends at Giving It Back To Kids and others have worked with great effectiveness on the physical needs of children, many have helped with medicine and shelters. But in a nation that calls unwed mothers, unwanted pregnancies, what the country needs now is men and dads. Men of integrity, faith and courage. Men who will change the future by living out their faith.
There is an attack on the family – and keeping families alive is why we do this ministry. Helping men become authentic, mature men of God is what we do. For the sake of the gospel of Jesus is our motivation – and discipleship is how.
Please pray with me – ten minutes every day from now to the end of the telecasts on Sept 16. Thank you.
Your prayers are needed