URGENT: We were hit hard

URGENT: We were hit hard
We got hit—and got hit hard. Every county in Texas had storm warnings—freezing temps, snow, winds and devastating ice. It’s not something that is expected yearly in Texas, but it does happen every decade. Thousands of people experienced devastation and will take some time to rebuild.

The CMN studio was hit hard with broken pipes, flooding, and damaged walls. While food pantries restock and people get back on their feet, and as CMN does our best to help those in need, would you consider making a financial gift NOW to help get the studio functioning again?

We’re blessed that none of the new equipment was damaged. We streamed Monday Night Men , BraveMen podcast, and Facebook LIVE, last week through phones and spotty internet service. Tonight, we’ll premiere a brand new Monday Night Men session at 9pm Eastern as planned.

WE ARE STALWART MEN. We do not flinch in the face of adversity, nor falter when people are in need. We’re pulling ourselves together, helping others, and getting God’s Word into men’s lives.

We’ve rolled up our sleeves, swept out the water, got the plumber on the pipes, scheduled construction people, and will get it all back in shape. We’re not the worst off and we’re helping others who have lost much through catastrophic damage.


Tonight’s study is so fitting. One of the overarching themes in Joseph’s life is how he was led by God to prepare for disaster. When the famine hit, Joseph was ready. One of the issues Texas just experienced was the lack to properly prepare.


Let’s go through it together tonight. Preparation always involves work, effort, planning and commitment. There is no substitute for the basics. In the fitness industry they say, “You can’t exercise your way out of poor nutrition.”


Champions are not made in the middle of the game, but in the middle of preparation for the game. John Wooden said, “It’s not the will to win that’s important. It’s the will to prepare to win.”
What we see in the visible is first apprehended in the invisible. Your willingness to do the work today will prepare you for the storms of life tomorrow. Brother, the storms and devastation we just witnessed in Texas is a warning to everyone.
  • It’s time to get in a Maximized Manhood group or create your own.
  • Participate in the Monday Night Men intensives.
  • Go through the AchieveLab videos.
  • Listen to the BraveMen podcast.
  • Fill your heart with motivation and strength.

Paul said, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Philippians 3:12 NIV

Last week we discussed how “private philosophy determines public performance.” Let’s get going tonight, for this week’s lesson in Christlike manhood.


Paul said, “I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.”  1 Cor. 9:27 

 Discipline is an internal commitment with external results.

 “The very greatest things – great thoughts, discoveries, inventions – have usually been nurtured in hardship, often pondered over in sorrow, and at length established with difficulty.” -Samuel Smiles, Scottish Author

Thank you for helping us rebuild the studio. And for helping so many others in need. We are in this together as brothers and friends.

Please meet me tonight on Monday Night Men when we’ll cover what it means to speak words of life, to have a positive confession. That your life is composed of your choices and constructed by your words. It’s a powerful session – no man can live a successful life without understanding these principles.

It’s all on Monday Night Men on YouTube