Update From Paul Louis Cole



It is in the pressure of the battle that we discover the true nature of a man. Does he have grit, the will to fight, the faith to persevere … does he have the deep trust in Jesus that surveys the waves and then steps out of the boat.

The enemy tells us that every problem is larger than the solution we have in us through the power of Jesus Christ. The enemy is a liar. Christ is victorious.

We are in a fight and I need your help. CMN needs a financial victory.

In the midst of a tremendous season of ministry, we have hit great resistance.

The Word tells us we do not lack anything … the enemy tells us we lack everything.

Here is the need:

After remarkable results in the first half of the year in Asia, the Middle East, and South America, we got hit with massive financial obstacles. I’ve walked and prayed on the same beach where my dad heard from God to launch this ministry in the 70s.

Today, we’re facing the same enemy that tried to stop him back then.

This summer is the most difficult summer season in over a decade financially and in every way. You can help right now, click here to give.

With the sudden and unexpected death of my brother-in-law Richard Webster in June, as a family and a ministry, I have been hit personally on every level. My sister and CMN VP Joann has been stalwart in the face of this adversity. Yet it’s gut wrenching.

I met with my pastor, Phil Pringle. He said, “Paul, tell your friends what’s happening. Let them know. Pray for breakthrough. The Lord will be victorious!

Here is why the enemy is trying to stop us and CMN needs a financial miracle:

  • CMN is headed to Vietnam in September for powerful pastor training events with thousands of key leaders.
  • CMN Brazil has over 7,000 small groups meeting across the nation.
  • Egypt is multiplying men’s groups using CMN resources in Arabic.
  • In Jordan, every major denomination has signed up for Maximized Manhood discipleship.
  • CMN teams from around the world have held recent men’s events in Philippines, Albania, Uganda, Argentina, Mexico, Indonesia, and 36 other countries.

Men changing and families being healed all over the world is bound to kick up resistance. The enemy is throwing up obstacles – but Jesus is our victory!

As part of the fight, we’ve suspended key salaries, are working to get even leaner as we continue to do more with less, and now I’m asking you for help.

  • You may want to help with Vietnam or the Middle East outreaches. Every $200 helps 100 pastors.
  • You may be one of the men who steps up with a capital investment to complete the Global Media Center. The moment the last nail is struck, we start saving $50,000 per year in rents. We need the last $150,000 to finish.

When you give any amount you are blessed because no one can outgive God. Even better, a man’s life is transformed. That’s our mission.

The Proverb says “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” (Prov 17:17)

I’m asking as a brother because we are part of this great brotherhood. And today, I'm facing adversity and need financial help and prayer.

Thank you.
Thank you for praying with power.
Thank you for making a generous financial gift.

This is the fight the disciples fought, to lift up Jesus … and they did it together as men of faith and action and prayer.

Your friend, brother and ally.

Grace & Peace,

Paul Louis Cole