Courage is needed in a world of conflict, chaos, and disruption.
The picture above shows brave men lining up to get into Ukraine. They are heading to the sound of the battle. And it's a vivid reminder of the call to every man of God, in every town and village of the world to head to the sound of the battle.
The world defines peace as the absence of conflict or the absence of war, but God defines peace as His presence even in the middle of the war or the middle of the conflict. Courage is the result of trusting Him.
Our hearts and prayers are with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, believing for them to experience God's presence today. Confusion on the part of the enemy and Courage in the face of evil.
Courage is what carries each of us through conflict, trouble, and challenges that can appear unexpectedly. Courage is the result of faith that God will keep His word.
Courage is the current Monday Night Men Series. Fill your heart with courage by going to YouTube now and watching.
And forward the link to men you know that need this right now.
Be a courageous follower of Jesus.
Fully armed and engaged for the Gospel.